Owl: A Year in the Lives of North American Owls Sample Images
A Snowy Owl prepares to launch into flight from a piece of driftwood just after sunrise.
A Northern Pygmy-Owl looks up after digging up its cache of quail hidden by deep snow.
A Great Gray Owl nestling leaps from its nest atop a dwarf mistletoe broom, 50 feet off of the ground. Great Gray Owls leap from the nest when they are about a month old and cannot yet fly.
Snowy Owls lay eggs over many days, usually with a day or more between each, resulting in youngsters of various ages, a hedge when food is unpredictable.
A family of Barn Owls peer from the entrance of their nest in a cliff-side cave.
A female Northern Hawk Owl flies from the nest after delivery prey to her 2 week-old nestlings. At this time they are insatiable and continue to beg immediately after being fed.
A Northern Pygmy Owl fledgling hangs from a Douglas Fir branch that has tipped from its weight.
An Eastern Screech Owl nestling climbs the inner wall of its nest cavity and prepares to look out, while its siblings remain together below.
A female Long-eared Owl waves its wings and screams to attract the attention of potential predators and lead them away from the nest or young.
Nine juvenile Burrowing Owls engage one another outside of their burrow.
A Great Gray Owl flies low over a mountain meadow in the Canadian Rockies where it is hunting pocket gophers and voles.
A Short-eared Owl, hunting a sunset, turns and dives after hearing a vole moving through the vegetation below.
A Flammulated Owl arrives at its nest with a moth to feed to its young waiting in the nest cavity.
A Burrowing Owl balances atop an old sage brush snag.
Two Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl nestlings peer from their cavity entrance.
A Northern Spotted Owl glides through the sun dappled understory of an old growth forest.